
What is Iridology?

It is very important to point out that the current allopathic, Western medical establishment does not fully understand how iris analysis (iridology) is properly used. The people that represent this allopathic paradigm do not understand what iridology can and cannot do. Iridology is not used for diagnosing. Mistakenly, they subject this 3,000 year old practice to the biased scrutiny of a paradigm that is focused on diagnosing disease conditions and attempts to suppress symptoms through the use of toxic pharmaceutical drugs, invasive surgeries and nuclear radiation.
However, there are open-minded and progressive, allopathically educated physicians around the world who understand and utilize iris analysis in their daily practice with an integrative philosophy. Holistic belongs to and resides in the paradigm of naturopathic, integrative and preventive healthcare. Contrary to diagnosing, when practiced properly, it is a non-invasive, effective tool of assessment for hereditary predispositions and acquired conditions as well as a person’s overall levels of health.

Most of what is known today about eye diagnosis has come to us from Germany, where this form of diagnosis has a very strong and reputable basis. Many medical practitioners in Europe use eye diagnosis as part of their diagnostic armory. Over the past quarter of a century great advancements have been made in this science, and its acceptance and adoption by the European allopathic medical field is proof enough that it is indeed a formidable tool.
Iridology is the science and study of pathological and functional disturbances in the human body as indicated by abnormal markings and color changes in the iris of the eye, while revealing inflammation, where it is located and in what stage it is manifesting. The iris reveals bodily conditions as it relates to inherent weaknesses and levels of inflammation.

When we look into the eyes, we are looking for alteration in structure, color and markings. These different markings can indicate stresses and weaknesses in the body systems, which can cause imbalances. We cannot see disease by looking into the iris, neither can diseases be named by iris analysis; what we can see is physical deterioration via the nervous system. We can recognize toxins and their locations. These toxins create a breeding ground for bacteria, viruses, parasites and yeast.
Iridology is a preventative tool; it can be used as an early warning system. The goal of an Iridologist is to help people recognize areas that manifest toxic accumulation, and organ deterioration.

As Iridologists our ultimate goal is to reverse the CAUSES of the problem and not the symptoms. We do this by taking into consideration not only the physical aspects that are reflexed in the eye, but also the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects that tell us why we are having issues and what we need to do to overcome them.

Please call us with questions or to set up an appointment at (561) 682-3300.