Nutritional Blood Cell Education (NBCE)
A single drop of your blood can provide the answers as to why your inner world is not thriving, why you feel sick and tired all the time, why you have aches and pains, why you just don't feel like you.
Nutritional Blood Cell Education
Inside your body is a living world. A single drop of your blood can provide the answers as to why your world is not thriving, why you feel sick and tired all the time, why you have aches and pains, why you just don't feel like you. That single drop of blood can change your life when you understand what is going on in your internal world. You are only as healthy as the health of your cells.
The food that we eat, the pollution in the environment, poor eating and drinking habits, lack of sleep, lack of energy, etc. are all factors that contribute to a system that is out of balance. Nutritional Blood Cell Education provides a wide spectrum of very useful information on health. The evaluation will educate you on the proper functions of the digestive and other systems. The Nutritional Blood Cell Education gives an excellent opportunity for you to improve your health through proper diet, lifestyle and supplements.
Your health is entirely your responsibility. You are what you eat, drink and think. This simple evaluation is one important part of helping you to help yourself change your health for the better.
Nutritional Blood Cell Education uses a single drop of blood placed on a slide and then viewed under a high powered microscope. The technician will project a living image of your blood on a monitor screen while reviewing and explaining the condition, status, and possible deficiencies of those blood cells.
With all the supplements out in the market, it can be very confusing to figure out which one's are actually right for us. Wouldn't you like to know which supplements you should actually take for your body? What is it that your cells actually require to thrive? NBCE takes the guesswork out of figuring out which supplements your cells require.
Remember, this is your world. What kind of world are you creating? Are you polluting your body and creating a toxic environment? Why not create an internal world that is filled with oxygen, loaded with energy, with cells and organs in a state of harmony and balance? Remember, this is your body, why not figure out what your cells really need so that you can thrive. When your cells are healthy, you feel energized, happy, balanced mentally, physically and emotionally.
Isn't it time for you to stop feeling sick and tired?
What can I expect to learn?
An evaluation of the blood can demonstrate:
- The oxygen carrying capacity of blood which is associated with energy level, breathing, alertness or sluggishness, stamina, physical performance, concentration, fatigue and headaches.
- The status of the immune system; the ability to fight infection and disease.
- Digestive issues as a result of an imbalance in carbohydrate, protein and/or fat intake.
- Nutritional deficiencies and more
These and many other assessments are conducted using state of the art technology. The results are then discussed with you by a trained technician. Your technician is also able to record your blood for review during your next appointment to compare your previous blood sample with your present blood sample.
How does work?
The evaluation/education is carried out by performing a finger stick by a certified and licensed phlebotomist using a sterile lancet. The drop of blood is then carefully placed on a microscope slide, covered with a coverslip, and observed under the microscope. The blood is magnified up to 1000x. A TV monitor is hooked up to the microscope so that you may watch the entire process first hand. You will be able to see the activity of your blood on the screen, the red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma and what is floating in the plasma, such as bacteria, yeast, fungus, parasites, uric acid crystals, plaque, and more.
How to prepare?
Do not eat or drink anything (water is ok) for at least 2 hours prior to your appointment.
No alcohol for 48 hours before appointment.
Nutritional Blood Cell Education is scheduled daily with health food stores, retirement communities, churches, fund raising organizations, and more. We travel nationwide and globally. Contact us to find where we will be in your area next.
We are also available for free health seminars.
The Blood System
The blood plays a cardinal role in the overall health of every person. Whole human blood consists of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets that float individually in plasma, a straw-colored liquid made up of about 90 percent water. The plasma, which also contains organic acids, glucose, hormones and salts, serves as a medium for: circulating the suspended blood components throughout the body's network of arteries, veins and capillaries; delivering nutrients to the tissues and organs; carrying minerals, hormones, vitamins and antibodies; and removing waste products.
Many substances vital to health are recycled through the blood. Blood travels from the heart to the lungs through the pulmonary artery, picks up oxygen, flows back to the heart, and is then pumped out to the body. After releasing the oxygen and nutrition to the cells and taking on carbon dioxide (the waste product of cell metabolism), the blood returns to the lungs, where the carbon dioxide is exhaled. It completes this circuit in 20 seconds. During its journey through the body, the blood also picks up hormones from the thyroid, adrenal, and other glands and transports them to specific organs.
In general, the blood helps maintain equilibrium (homeostasis) of the internal environment. In addition to bathing the body's tissues in oxygen and collecting waste products, the blood's major regulatory functions involve nutrition of cells, defense mechanisms and maintaining proper body temperature. The blood also facilitates the body's adaptability to different conditions, including changes in climate, stressful physical activity, new dietary habits and resistance to injury and infectious organisms.
Real-Time Dynamics of Blood Cells:
Live Blood Analysis offers an unparalleled opportunity to observe the dynamics of blood cells in real-time. Red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets can be scrutinized under a specialized microscope, providing a vivid picture of their vitality, shape, and activity. This real-time assessment allows us to identify anomalies such as irregularities in cell morphology, potential clotting issues, or abnormalities that may indicate underlying health concerns. This can provide a snapshot of the body's internal environment, capturing subtle changes that may escape notice in static tests.
Insights into Nutritional Status:
Examining the plasma during Live Blood Analysis provides invaluable insights into a patient's nutritional status. The presence of nutrient-rich plasma is indicative of a well-balanced diet, while deficiencies or imbalances may manifest as alterations in plasma composition. This aspect of the analysis allows us to assess the effectiveness of nutrient absorption and metabolism, guiding us in recommending targeted dietary interventions to optimize overall health.
Early Detection of Imbalances:
The ability to detect imbalances at their early stages is crucial for prevention. Live Blood Analysis allows us to identify issues such as nutrient deficiencies, oxidative stress, inflammation, and the presence of pathogens before they manifest as overt symptoms. This early detection empowers both practitioners and patients to address underlying issues proactively, preventing the progression of potential health challenges.
Oxidative Stress and Free Radicals:
Live Blood Analysis is particularly adept at revealing signs of oxidative stress. By observing the blood cells in their live state, we can identify the presence of free radicals, oxidative damage, and the overall level of cellular stress. Understanding these factors enables us to recommend antioxidant-rich interventions to mitigate oxidative stress and its potential impact on the body's overall health.
Inflammatory Markers:
The test also provides valuable information about inflammatory markers present in the blood. Elevated levels of white blood cell activity or the presence of inflammatory particles such as uric acid and cholesterol plaque can be indicative of ongoing inflammation. This knowledge is crucial for early intervention, helping to address inflammation before it evolves into chronic conditions.
Pathogen Identification:
Live Blood Analysis allows for the detection of pathogens within the bloodstream, such as bacteria, parasites, or fungal elements. The real-time observation of white blood cells responding to these invaders provides essential information for tailoring targeted treatments, guiding the prescription of antimicrobial agents or immune-supporting interventions.
Blood Coagulation and Clotting Factors:
For individuals at risk of clotting disorders or cardiovascular issues, Live Blood Analysis is an invaluable tool. By observing the clotting factors and platelet activity in real-time, we can identify potential abnormalities in the coagulation process. This insight is crucial for developing preventative strategies and personalized treatment plans to reduce the risk of thrombotic events.
Tailored and Personalized Approach:
No two individuals are alike, and Live Blood Analysis recognizes this fundamental truth. The real-time nature of the test allows for a personalized understanding of each patient's unique health profile. With this knowledge, we can develop targeted and individualized treatment plans, considering not only the symptoms but also the underlying root causes that may be affecting their well-being.
Engagement and Education:
One of the most remarkable aspects of Live Blood Analysis is its ability to engage and educate patients in their health journey. When individuals witness the state of their blood cells and understand the impact of lifestyle choices, they are more motivated to actively participate in their own healing process. This increased awareness fosters a sense of responsibility for one's well-being and encourages the adoption of healthier habits.
Comprehensive Holistic Assessment:
Naturopathy emphasizes a holistic approach to health, considering the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. Live Blood Analysis aligns seamlessly with this philosophy by providing a comprehensive assessment that considers various factors influencing health, including nutrition, stress levels, and environmental influence.
Live Blood Analysis:
Live Blood Analysis is unparalleled in its ability to provide a real-time, dynamic assessment of blood cells and plasma components. From identifying nutritional deficiencies to assessing oxidative stress and detecting pathogens, this test offers a holistic view that is indispensable for tailoring precise interventions and optimizing client health.

The circulatory system is the means by which oxygen, nutrients, antibodies, and hormones are transported to the cells to keep them alive and functioning. This is how our blood looks when we are experiencing optimum health. The Erythrocytes are round
and separated and move through the capillaries very easily. The average size of healthy RBCs is 7.2 microns

When red blood cells are distorted in size or structure, they lack flexibility and fluidity. This causes their ability to flow freely to be compromised, and reduces their ability to efficiently transport oxygen. Misshapen blood cells are also indicative of deficiencies in essential nutrients, resulting either from a poor diet or from the body’s inability to properly metabolize vitamins and minerals.

ROULEAU (stacked coin formation)
When the blood gets to this condition the amount of oxygen that can be transported is severely diminished. This condition is caused by dehydration, high fat and protein diets and high acidity. Your blood will look like this if you drink one soda and will stay that way for at least two hours. If your cells are not getting the proper amount of oxygen, they will enter a state of inflammation

Echinocyte in human biology and medicine, refers to a form of red blood cell that has an abnormal cell membrane characterized by many small, evenly spaced thorny projections. This is usually indicative of kidney stress.

These RBCs are deficient in iron and therefore hemoglobin, which is the protein that carries oxygen.

Uric acid is a byproduct of protein metabolization and urea. When the body becomes acidic the urea forms crystals that can lodge in the joints or in the tissues

The number, size, shape and movement of white blood cells point to possible issues related to the immune system. In the long term, over-activity or under-activity of immune cells can result in an increased susceptibility to illness.

A fungus that feeds on undigested food and sugar in the blood. The most dangerous type of yeast found in the blood is called Candida Albicans. This issue is also indicative of over-acidity as yeast cannot live in an alkaline environment.

Atherosclerotic plaque is one of the most dangerous conditions in the blood. It can adhere to the artery walls, narrowing and hardening them.
Clotting factors which are released by a stressed liver in response to its inability to fully metabolize drugs, alcohol, medication, fatty foods, tobacco, refined sugars and caffeine.
“I suffered from low red blood cell counts my whole life since doing the protocol with VibrantHealth4Life, I have never had so much energy, and my red blood cell counts have been in normal range for the first time in my life. My doctor thought it was a fluke and had me redo my CBC test 3 months later and my red blood cells were still in normal range. Ah ha!!! No fluke! I know the protocol, and The Ultimate Superfood has made all the difference. I have sustained energy throughout the day, and I don’t feel tired anymore. Doing the protocol got rid of all my inflammation. Paula and Rick empowered me to take control of my own health. Through education and understanding how my body works, how to eat a healthier well balanced lifestyle, I have gotten my health back, my life back, and my happiness back. I cannot thank you both enough for being there for me and guiding me on my health journey. There are certain supplements that I will take for the rest of my life, The Ultimate Superfood, Enzyme Factor, Flora Life, and Milk Thistle, and the occasional Parafungal Cleanse are my forever supplements. Thank you for all you both do.”
C. Franks - West Palm Beach, FL
“This powerful blood builder blend has helped me with my low iron levels that I suffered with my entire life. I have always been tired, and suffered from anemia ever since I can remember. Iron would constipate me and make me feel bloated and uncomfortable. I just learned to live with this issue as I was never able to find the answer until I met Rick and Paula. Doing my live blood analysis changed my life. They showed me why I was feeling the way I was feeling and educated me about the causes of the inflammation in my body. I was never a big fan about taking supplements and medications, but I was willing to try anything at this point. I could’t live this way anymore. There had to be a better way. I did the protocol which made complete and total sense to me through education and teaching me how my body works. The supplements are specifically geared to what my blood cells needed in order to thrive. Wow!!!! In a couple of days I was feeling better and in a couple of weeks I could feel my body responding. Three months later, I have lost 18 lbs, my red blood cells are in normal range, my energy is through the roof, I am exercising, daily normal bowel movements, my skin looks incredible and I have referred my parents, sisters, and several co-workers who are also getting great results, I did my follow up and everything changed. I was healthier and stronger than ever!!! I am in control of my health now. I know what causes inflammation in my body and I now have the tools and supplements to support my health. I highly recommend this all encompassing protocol and working with these two caring individuals. They helped me to gain my health back and supported me along the way. They truly care. Thank you for all you do to help humanity.”
B. Greaves - Miami Beach, FL
“I wanted to share my experience after 3 months of being on the protocol. I feel FABULOUS!!! I have lost over 16 lbs and that is only a small measure of my health improvements! I have suffered with chronic pain, RA Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupis, low energy, digestive issues, skin issues, bowel movements every 3 days if I was lucky just to name a few things. I just learned to live with my diagnosis not thinking that there was any way out. All I was offered were drugs which made me feel worse. I wanted to get to the root cause and heal my body from the inside out. I was referred to Rick and Paula from my son and daughter in law who had gotten incredible results with their health doing the protocol, so I decided to give it one last try. Am I glad I did. I did the blood analysis and learned what my cells were lacking and what nutrients my cells needed. Through their guidance and support, I changed my lifestyle. I changed my diet, started taking the Rainforest Nutrients supplements, drinking miracle electrolyzed water, and started my healing and repairing process. I learned what caused my levels of inflammation, and where the inflammation was coming from through the analysis. I was given consistent support along the way with answerers to my questions. I felt my body changing and coming back. As Paula says, “I will show you the way, but you have to do the work to reap the benefits.:” Well I finally feel like me in my body. I am on my way to getting my life back and my family is jumping on the health train. I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Together as a family we are all getting healthy and I feel confident we will maintain our health with the tools we have learned from VibrantHealth4Life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
T. Stone - Richmond, VA
“I was having break outs on my face that were like raised bumps that caused a lot of itching. They would subside and then be back again without any known reason. At first I thought it was just an allergic reaction but it got progressively worse. My daughter recommended that I see Rick and Paula. They suggested that I do the nutritional blood education. I am glad I made the decision to. Rick and Paula put me on a regimen that includes me taking natural herbs and drinking the electrolyzed water. They recommended these Rainforest herbs for my specific issues and the Enzymes and Parasite Fungal Cleanse did the trick. My face cleared up and I have not had a break out since. In addition to drinking the water, I also use it to wash my face and hair and wash my fruits and vegetables. Thank you Rick and Paula. Drinking electrolyzed water along with my supplements, and dietary changes I have a healthy happy lifestyle. I have shared my experiences with family and friends and they too have had incredible health benefits from live blood analysis.”
V. Stokes, Wellington, FL
“ I just can't thank you two enough for helping me through Live Blood Analysis, what a blessing this has been for me and continues to be. Since you were able to detect where by body issues were coming from, you could then suggest applicable supplements to correct these issues.
So let me tell you how absolutely wonderful this has been. Among some of my other issues such as joint pain, teeth and gum issues, weight concerns, just to name a few, was, my most painful and quite frankly, the most life altering and time consuming issue I was suffering with for quite some time, kidney stones, yikes!! Well right after I began the supplements, and drinking the electrolyzed water I had amazing and immediate results. The kidney pain began to lessen, and then within a week or so it was gone, just gone! And, I haven't had another kidney stone attack or any pain since taking the supplements, and drinking the water alleluia! Also, I've lost weight, I do not have joint pain as well as my gums have healed substantially, and my list goes on and on. Amazing, just amazing!! I so appreciate your professionalism and dedication to educating me so I am can truly heal myself. Live Blood Analysis and proper supplementation is definitely a win win combination. It truly has changed my life!! Thank you, both so very, very much!! ”
Kindest regards,
N. Moore, Clermont, Florida
“ My husband and I had Live Blood Education and were astonished to see our live blood. We were in awe by the education we received. During the first live blood sample, my husband’s blood cells were separated but they were not moving. A lot of his blood cells were clumped together. They didn't have energy to move through his system. The blood showed a lot of uric acid and undigested protein, and an unhappy internal environment filled with inflammation from years of abuse with poor eating and drinking habits. That hit him hard! He decided immediately to start the protocol and within a few weeks he started feeling better, stronger, happier, and lost 10 pounds. It’s been 3 years and he has maintained a healthy lifestyle.
In my case, Rick was able to identify uric acid, a lot of free radicals damage, and indications of both liver and kidney stress and candida. I thought that was very interesting and impressive as I have had kidney stones but I had not mentioned that before the analysis. I have been bothered by psoriasis since I was 16 years old. I detest taking any prescriptions or over the counter medicines as I believe they damage the body. Paula explained that the supplements along with electrolyzed water may be able to help my body to heal from the inside from psoriasis as well so, I decided to give it a try. It has been over 3 years and I can honestly say I have had almost zero skin issues, I feel great! I continue to take maintenance supplements that have kept my health in balance. I am in control of my health and we as a couple couldn’t be happier with our long term health results. ”
F. Marcus - Lake Worth, FL
“While my daughter was home from college, we made an appointment for her to have a live blood analysis with Rick. He was able to see a lot of candida in her blood; that was interesting to see as she has had to take antibiotics many times over the years for fungus, MRSA and candida. She was having a lot of anxiety, chronic yeast infections, sinus issues, digestive issues and sluggish bowels. After completing the protocol, she not only lost 20 lbs, she works out regularly, she has no digestive issues, she can breathe, no more anxiety, or candida. As a family, we all jumped onto the protocol train and are all experiencing excellent results. We are all experiencing better sleep, more energy, and an overall sense of well-being. This plan works. Feed the cells the nutrients they need and the body goes into healing mode. It’s up to you. If you are ready to make a change, this protocol works. Thank you again for all you do. ”
- M. Marino - Boynton Beach, FL
“My son came to VibrantHealth4Life with a stomach ulcer that had plagued him for a year. The Gastroenterologist sent him for test after test with no results and lots of medicine which not only DIDN'T help him but made the situation worse. At the end of my rope I made an appointment with Rick and Paula, He did the Live Blood Analysis and boy did it show ALOT. He changed his diet, took some recommended supplements, and added electrolyzed water to his life. ONE WEEK LATER he felt better than he had in over a year. After throwing up for a year, loosing almost 10 lbs, not absorbing essential nutrients, and having very little energy... my son was able to eat for the first time with not only no complications but actually enjoy his meal and feel like a normal human being afterwards! It was truly a miracle. TWO WEEKS LATER he said he felt like superman, back to his old self and putting weight on for the first time in months. Now, not only is he healing from the inside out, but he has learned life changing eating habits that will follow him the rest of his life. Doing the protocol I truly saved his life. Thank you both for your continued support.”
K. Patten - Deerfield Beach, FL
“ After 6 months of battling with yeast infections and following 3 gynos treatments, put on antibiotics which killed my gut, I was at my wits end!!!
A friend told me about Paula and Rick’s natural healing approach. I was out of state and couldn’t meet with them in person, but that didn’t seem to matter. Because of their extensive background in natural health, they knew which supplements I needed to get rid of the inflammation in my body and heal my gut. We had a thorough phone consultation where I described my symptoms and issues, and they created a plan to fit my personal needs. We changed my diet and I began taking the supporting herbal supplements. In three days I kid you not, I was 80% better, a month in I was 90% better. It has been 6 months and I haven't had any issues, my yeast infection is gone, and staying GONE and my body is functioning better and better. I have lost weight and I feel like myself again. I’m so grateful I found them. ”
H. Gupta - Los Angeles, CA
“Energy??? Energy??? Energy??? Where did my energy go? I was exhausted every single day… I tried everything… Nothing worked…
I was so sick, so tired and no one was able to help. A coworker introduced Rick and Paula and through education of my cells, I found out why and I learned what I could do to gain my energy back. It took 6 months to recover from the years of damage I did to myself eating processed foods, fast foods, soda, gatorade, so called energy drinks to undo the damage, but I did it!!! With the support and help from these two amazing human beings, they never gave up on me and I didn’t want to let them down. I slowly started to feel better and better and they continue to support me through. I don’t know where I would be today I God not brought them into my life. The support, the education, the supplements, Moringa, proper diet, the electrolyzed water together gave me my Energy back!!! It was there all the time, I just didn’t know how to find it… I found it now and it’s here to stay. Thank you for giving me the tools I needed to get my energy back. I love you both more than words can express.”
With Sincere Gratitude,
J. Feldman - Boynton Beach, FL
“ I have been suffering with digestive issues my whole life. I was on so many antibiotics throughout my life that destroyed my gut. I just got to the point where I was afraid to eat anything. I worked with Rick and Paula and began taking certain supplements based on my blood analysis and description of my symptoms and history. I am happy to say the combination of supplements and dietary changes got rid of the inflammation and long term, I continue to take the Flora Life, Enzyme Factor and L-Glutamine which I feel put me back on the road to recovery. Finally I am able to have a normal life, pain free, and enjoying food again. These two little angels are life changers!!! ”
E. Dowd - Kennesaw, GA